Tree week
copyright istockphoto | iStock_000009652888XSmall.jpg | LearnEnglish Kids 2010Tab Title: Practise writing This week is National Tree Week in the UK and to celebrate children are planting trees to help...
View ArticleThe leaves on the tree
Tab Title: Listen to a song the-leaves-on-the-tree-30-05-2012.jpg The trees are different in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Listen to a song about the four seasons....
View ArticleThe lazy bear
Tab Title: Read a story the-lazy-bear-2012.jpgIt's spring in the forest and the animals are waking up. But where is Bruno the bear? Flashshort-stories-the-lazy-bear.swfFlash was unable to load. You...
View ArticleQuiz - Natural world records
Tab Title: Play a game copyright istock photo | iStock_000002721110XSmall.jpg | LearnEnglish Kids 2011What’s the world’s largest continent? What’s the longest river? Test your knowledge of world...
View ArticleNut hunt
Tab Title: Play a game It's autumn and Sally Squirrel is collecting nuts for the winter. Can you help her collect nuts before it gets too cold?
View ArticleAutumn decoration
Tab Title: Print and make screenshot | copyright British Council | LearnEnglish Kids 2011Autumn is one of the four seasons that we have in the United Kingdom. In the UK it is in September, October and...
View ArticleBrown and sticky
Tab Title: Tell a joke MBC143 255x170.jpgQuestion: What is brown and sticky?Answer: A stick!!!Do you understand the joke? If not, click here. A 'stick' is a thin piece of wood. 'Sticky' is when...
View ArticleThe lucky seed
Tab Title: Read a story the-lucky-seed-2012.jpgWhat happened to the lucky seed that fell from the farmer's cart? VideoFlashshort-stories-the-lucky-seed.swfFlash was unable to load. You either have...
View ArticleAngel! Look out!
Tab Title: Read a story angellookout.jpgAngel lives on the Great Barrier Reef. When he goes off to explore he finds lots of dangerous animals out there. Look out Angel!...
View ArticleSeasons and animals
Tab Title: Play a game RS1217_Frog col-web.jpgAnimals do different things when the weather's cold. Some hibernate, others migrate. Can you match the animals and descriptions of what they do in cold...
View ArticleSpring
Tab Title: Play a game RS2270_Tree (Spring) col-web.jpgSpring is a wonderful season around the world. Can you label this spring picture with all the things you see at this time of year?InstructionsHow...
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